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TikTok Has Changed The Music Industry

TikTok has become a marketing tool for musicians to promote their music. Record labels are now signing music record deals with Tik-Tokers.

Songs have been blowing up on TikTok, driving their streams and sales up since the emergence of TikTok. Many TikTokers like Bella Poarch, Charli DAmelio, and Lyn Lapid have bagged million-dollar record deals after blowing up and getting famous on TikTok. Record companies are now finding artists on TikTok. An artist named JVKE uploaded a song named ‘This is what falling in love feels like’ on TikTok that went viral on TikTok, which helped boost his career in music.



Songs that trend on TikTok often end up charting on the Billboard 100 or Spotify Viral 50. About 67% of TikTok users are more likely to find the songs on music streaming services after hearing them on TikTok, as per a November 2021 study conducted for TikTok by the music-analytics company MRC Data. Influencers on TikTok are now earning through song promotion deals, charging from hundreds to even thousands of dollars for a single TikTok where they create a video using the artist’s track.

Tik Tok

Whenever a TikToker with a huge following uploads a video with a song, it garners a huge amount of views, making the song trendy, and small creators follow the trend using the same song to get favored by the algorithm by pushing their videos in the trend. This is how music gets massively promoted in the form of trends on TikTok.


TikTok has not only had an impact on the way music is marketed but also on the way it is produced. Producers are now trying to create catchy TikTok-friendly music that consists of a hook because they want to make it go viral instead of creating music as a piece of art. TikTok music promotion has not only changed the way music is marketed but also the way it is produced.

Many other social media platforms, like YouTube Shorts, Instagram Reels, Pinterest, and Snapchat, are also following the TikTok model, which enables creators to create short-form videos using music. Music artists like Taylor Swift are now being seen on TikTok promoting their songs’ snippets after their release. TikTok has already become a marketing platform for music, besides television and radio.

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